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FAQ- cheap jordans sale on cheapjordanb2c.com

1.How can the prices are far below the market price?Are they authentic?

Yes, our products are definitely authentic. And we understand that many customers feel our price seems too good to be true. We have the channel to get the high quality products from original factory with competitive price.Don’t worry about it.


2.What are the return ,exchange, refund policies?

If you are not satisfied with the item, please take a picture of the items first, then send us an email to confirm, in 10 days, you can return the items to us ,but you need to pay the shipping by yourself,then we will make an exchange after its passing an offical inspection. Of course, we will not accept returns and/or exchanges if there is enough evidence to prove the products are not brand new.Besides, if there is nothing wrong with the quality and the size of our products have sent to you, then you will be in charge of shipping fees for return and the system will also deduct 30% of the payment. If you want us to refund,we will refund within 24 hours,but the time you actually get the refund into your bank account depends on your bank.


3.Is it possible that orders will be seized by customs?

We also guarantee that our products will not be seized by customs. If your item seized by the customs officer, we will ship out again.


4.About cancel the order and refund.

If the order haven´t shipped out,and you want to cancel your order and refund, we need to deduct 10% of the payments in the amount, because it is the credit card companies´ handling charges from us.


5.Are the pictures true or false?

All of the pictures are definitely taken by ourselves.But due to the computer screen chromatism and the different of the photo shooting point , There are some differences between practical items and the pictures on our website.


6.How long does it take for delivery?

(1)Generally, you may receive the item in 7-14 days after you paid for your orders.But due to the severe weather condition, the delivery process may be a little bit slow.Situation may varies for each country as in some country destinations it can be reliably delivered within 1 week and some even take 2-4 weeks, it depends on the efficiency of your local postal service.


7.How to track your item?

We will send you your tracking number in 24-36 hours after we receive your payment .You may check your item on the checking web http://www.ems.com.cn/english.html , then put tracking number into it and track .then you will see the status of the order .


8.How to register and pay for your items?

(1) You can login our website to purchase online. Click the “register” button, and then you will go into the “create an account page”.
(2) Fill out some necessary information, such as: name, address, city, zip code,telephone, and the state,etc. After you finish the filling,click the “submit” button to fulfill the registration.
(3) Click the “continue” button and you will go back the homepage. Select the products you like and press the “Add to cart” button to go to the buying information page.
(4) Press the “go to checkout” bar and edit shipping address and choice of transport mode (Best way EMS, Free shipping)
(5) Key in the coupon code and select the payment method.
(6) Click “continue checkout” to confirm the order. The Web page will link to the “credit card company and the payment” page and you can accomplish the purchase here by selecting the payment method.



9. Payment methods :

You may pay via Paypal, West Union( http://www.westernunion.com ) or the credit card.(Visa & Master)If you pay via Western Union,pls give us your MTCN number,the total payment amount,your full name,currency and your country,we will send your item as soon as we accept them.


10. Is it safe to pay via credit card ?

All Payments are done online through the 100% secured credit card paying ways.The payment conforms to the same principles with paypal. We are equal to a credit card customer,your money will flow into our account and we have no rights to know anything about your card information, so if there are any problems about the payment, you should contact with your credit card company to learn what has happened.


11. The reasons for unsuccessful payment

There are several reasons to this occasion:
(1). Your information may be entered incorrectly.
(2). Your bank may have an older billing address on file.
(3). You may have forgotten to enter the 3 digit card code.
(4). You may be over your daily limit.
(5). Your bank may have disabled internet transactions.
(6). Our payment processor may have difficulties.


12. Why the payment server is a little bit different from our price list on the website?

You made the payment through third party payment server, which protects the personal financial information of our customer. Because of the exchange rate, the money you were charged by that payment server is a little bit different from our price list on the website.


13.Can you ship to my country?

We could ship to almost all of the countries worldwide. It will cost you some fee for the shipping;There may have some destination areas which have limited courier service coverage and in case of this, we will usually inform the customer as soon as possible via email. Please ensure that you filled the correct shipping and email address in your registered account.


14.When can I expect a reply email?

Our normal time for replying email is within 24 hours. Make sure that you enter one correct email address when you are registering on our website and remember your login password which is important to login or you have to register another one. The other point is that you may have to check your spam filters or spam inbox to ensure that you do not miss emails from us.